Hello. I'm Thomas Habets, and here is a picture of me. Ok so it's a drawing. Fine, it doesn't look like me at all. Except for the number of arms and legs maybe (unless I made a mistake when drawing). This is my N:th attempt to make a webpage that doesn't suck, and I just may have gotten the hang of it. I've gone for a clean design without images (images put there for design, that is. Data images, like screenshots and such are ofcourse present). Last I checked the page looks like shit without a CSS-capable browser though. If it looks odd in your browser it's your browsers fault. This page consists of perfect HTML 4.01 and perfect CSS, as you can check with the links on the left. I've checked how it looks in Konqueror 2.2.2, Mozilla 0.9.9 and IE 5.0 and 6.0, and IE is by far the annoyingest (it could be a word) browser to design for.
This page was made in emacs, the One True Editor. Ok, VI isn't that
bad, for a tool of the devil anyway. If the red and green borders on this page are anything but dotted, there is something wrong with you or your browser. (unless you're using Lynx ofcourse, there is nothing wrong with Lynx) Old designs:
Innovation, innovate, and the concept of doing what everyone else did 20
years ago are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other
buzzwords, euphemisms, and blatant lies are trademarks of their respective
Copyright© 2002-2017 Thomas Habets. All rights deserved.
All my copyright are belong to me
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